Event Details
2025 Professional Development Workshops
The NZIDE Committee 2024-2025 has decided to hold fortnightly professional development workshops to support our members. These workshops will include but not limited to - NZIDE Updates, Street Talk, Driving Assessments, Disabilities, Students with Difficulties, VTNZ Updates including with a testing officer, NZTA Updates and much more.
Are you passionate on a topic? Would you be interested in running a session for our members? Email Gemma on info@nzide.org.nz
Monday 10th February 2025 - 7pm
VTNZ - What a testing officer handles on a daily basis...
Join us for a good chat with an experienced testing officer on how he manages day to day in the car doing Licencing. We believe this is going to be a good one, make sure you come and have a listen to what he has to say. Welcome to bring up questions as we go through the session and if we run out of time your welcome to email them to VTNZ.
We look forward to you joining us.
Meeting ID: 410 889 550 887
Passcode: SN6QY2CN