Event Details
This is a member meeting to confirm two constitution changes resolved at the AGM 26 August 2022. This confirmation meeting is required by the NZIDE Constitution. Change to rule 20 says where remaining property will go if NZIDE closes. Change to rule 13(a)(iii) says a consensual dispute resolution provider (for example, mediation, facilitation, or a tikanga-based practice) can now be used in the disputes process.
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6926518385?pwd=RDU4NDZlNmlnUXR5V3lWNTdoWVVzdz09
Meeting ID: 692 651 8385
Password: NZIDE
Proxy Votes: email YES or NO for each motion no later than Saturday 05 November 6:00pm to info@nzide.org.nz Send from the email address used for NZIDE membership. To correct your email address, login to www.nzide.org.nz