Event Details

This is a member meeting to confirm two constitution changes resolved at the AGM 26 August 2022. This confirmation meeting is required by the NZIDE Constitution. Change to rule 20 says where remaining property will go if NZIDE closes. Change to rule 13(a)(iii) says a consensual dispute resolution provider (for example, mediation, facilitation, or a tikanga-based practice) can now be used in the disputes process.

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6926518385?pwd=RDU4NDZlNmlnUXR5V3lWNTdoWVVzdz09

Meeting ID: 692 651 8385

Password: NZIDE

Proxy Votes: email YES or NO for each motion no later than Saturday 05 November 6:00pm to info@nzide.org.nz Send from the email address used for NZIDE membership. To correct your email address, login to www.nzide.org.nz


19:00 - 19:05
Welcome to new members of NZIDE and brief introductions from each attendee. Names of attendees are noted for the minutes. We need 15 members present for decisions to be made (15 members is t...
Welcome to new members of NZIDE and brief introductions from each attendee. Names of attendees are noted for the minutes. We need 15 members present for decisions to be made (15 members is the quorum).
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19:05 - 19:10
Apologies and proxy votes received
Apologies and proxy votes received from members no later than 24 hours before this meeting. Proxy votes allow a member present at the meeting to vote on behalf of a member not at the meeting...
Apologies and proxy votes received from members no later than 24 hours before this meeting. Proxy votes allow a member present at the meeting to vote on behalf of a member not at the meeting. Proxy votes are used if the voting method chosen by the chairperson does not give a clear majority. Proxy votes are included in the quorum for this meeting.
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19:10 - 19:15
Accept Resolution to clarify rule 20
Rule 20 change clarifies that if NZIDE is closed, any remaining property will not be sold or distributed among members. It is to be transferred or given to an organisation with similar inter...
Rule 20 change clarifies that if NZIDE is closed, any remaining property will not be sold or distributed among members. It is to be transferred or given to an organisation with similar interests to NZIDE or some other charitable purpose within New Zealand. This change was required by Inland Revenue.
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19:15 - 19:20
Accept resolution to change rule 13(a)(iii). A consensual dispute resolution provider can now be used.
Rule 13(a)(iii) change to the complaints process replaces reference to the President of the Auckland District Law Society. It now says a consensual dispute resolution provider (for example, ...
Rule 13(a)(iii) change to the complaints process replaces reference to the President of the Auckland District Law Society. It now says a consensual dispute resolution provider (for example, mediation, facilitation, or a tikanga-based practice).
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19:20 - 19:25
Close Meeting.
Close of meeting. Thank you to all attendees.

NZIDE Executive Team stay for the monthly Executive Meeting.


  • Peter Elder (President, NZIDE and Driving Instructor in the Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington Region)

    Peter Elder

    President, NZIDE and Driving Instructor in the Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington Region


    Peter identifies as Ngati Pakeha (Brit, Scot, Dane, Swede) and Ngati Toa. He was elected NZIDE President in 2021, served as Secretary from 2020-2021 and has been a member since 2015. Peter is actively involved with the Driving Change Network. He lives in Porirua and works in the Wellington region as a full time driving instructor. Peter serves with the New Zealand Defence Force. He did prior work with the Ministry of Justice in project governance and executive administrative roles. His community work included residential services with Oranga Tamariki and alternative education with the Ministry of Education. Weekday early mornings you'll find Peter trail running or riding. On weekends, outdoor work and time with friends and whanau.

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  • Juliet Dalley (Treasurer at NZIDE)

    Juliet Dalley

    Treasurer at NZIDE

    Juliet is a bookkeeper with over 40 years’ experience in bookkeeping, payroll,and office administration.
    Juliet is a current member of:
    •ICNZB (Institute of Certified Bookkeepers)
    •ADMINZ (Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc)
    Juliet has been in the role of NZIDE Treasurer since September 2019.
    Juliet is a director of Eyes on the Road Driver Training Ltd and bookeeper for her business Eyes on the Books.

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  • Gemma Scott-Hall (NZIDE Secretary / Lower South Rep / Driver Trainer at Drivetech)

    Gemma Scott-Hall

    NZIDE Secretary / Lower South Rep / Driver Trainer at Drivetech

    Based in Invercargill, Gemma is the Senior Manager at Drivetech Ltd, a family business. Gemma works alongside her parents and husband. Drivetech Ltd offer all licences and endorsements. Gemma has been a member of NZIDE for several years. She was elected Lower South Regional Representative in 2020. She was co-opted to the role of Secretary in 2021 and elected to the same role in 2022. Gemma has been a full time driving instructor for 12 years and runs the Street Talk Programme. In her spare time she enjoys time with family, animals and her foster kittens/cats.

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Memo_Constitution_Change_Clause 20_Dissolution.pdfdownload
Specal Member Meeting - Agenda November 2022.pdfdownload


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