Event Details

Looking for a deep dive into skill specific content for driver education? Need a place to ask those embarrassing questions? Have specific driver education experience to help others? Then this is the place. Over Wednesday nights in February and March 2022, Wayne will lead discussion on the topics listed. Ask questions. Can you contribute? Approach Wayne before a workshop. Document and video content specific to each week can be added with enough notice. Look forward to seeing you!

Topic: NZIDE Professional Development Workshops

Time: Wednesday nights starting time 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 857 0087 1738

Passcode: NZ1de21

Wednesday 23rd of February at 7pm Pre-drive checks.

Wednesday 2nd of March at 7pm Cockpit Drills.

Wednesday 9th of March at 7pm Steering.

Wednesday 16th of March at 7pm Move off and Stopping.

Wednesday 23rd of March at 7pm Gear Changing.

Wednesday 30th of March at 7pm Intersections.


19:00 - 20:00
Lesson Plan 4 - Steering.
Lesson Plan 4 - Steering. A deep dive into the lesson plan on page 141-143 in the Learning Systems for Driving Instructors.
learning-systems-for-driving-instructors LSFDI.pdfdownload
20:00 - 20:30


learning-systems-for-driving-instructors LSFDI.pdfdownload


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