Event Details



NOTICE is hereby given that the New Zealand Institute of Driver Educators Incorporated (NZIDE) will have an Annual General Meeting at James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor, Wellington Friday 25th August 2023, commencing at 3:45pm. In the event of Covid lockdown the meeting will be online at the same time.


If you have an idea that affects the New Zealand Institute of Driver Educators, let us know. A remit example is a change to our constitution or Code of Ethics. Remits are to be presented at the Annual General Meeting. They must be in writing and received by the Secretary by 26 June 2023. Remits must be signed by the proposer and seconder and have a brief explanation attached. The proposer and seconder must be current financial members. It is the usual procedure for the proposer to attend the meeting and speak to the remit. All other ideas can be raised with any member of the Executive Committee.

Officer and Regional Representative Nominations

Nominations for officers and Regional Representatives of the Institute are made each year. Attached is a map of NZIDE regions. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder. Officers are President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary. Regions are Northern, Midland, Central, Upper South, Mid South, Lower South. Nominees serve for the term of one year. They are eligible for renomination each term. Nominees must be current financial members with full membership (includes full membership, group membership, life membership). Nominations must be received by 26 June 2023.

Award Nominations

NZIDE are doing awards again this year. Two awards will be recognised. The NZIDE Peers Choice Award and an inaugural "Conundrum Award". Both awards require nominations. Self and team nominations are allowed for the Conundrum Award. For the Conundrum, have fun! Nominate yourself, or find some mates, nominate yourselves as a team, you never know! Download the nomination form for details. Awards are presented on day one of conference before the AGM. Nominations must be received by 26 July 2023.

Proxy Voting

Proxy votes are accepted when a member authorises a proxy vote in writing to the Secretary no less than twenty - four (24) hours before the meeting. The full name and address of the person authorised is to be given. The person authorised must be a financial member with full membership (includes individual membership, group membership, life membership). Proxy votes are used at the discretion of the President when a show of hands or the voices of those present at the meeting do not decide the vote. A resolution to poll a vote (count votes) is used to include proxy votes.

Return your remits and nominations to:

The Secretary

New Zealand Institute of Driver Educators Inc.

29 District Road, No 1 RD, Invercargill


Email: nzideinfo@gmail.com

This notice is published by Gemma Scott-Hall , New Zealand institute of driver educators incorporated, Secretary 29th May 2023


15:45 - 15:55
Welcome - present and apologies
15:55 - 16:00
Conflicts of Interest
16:00 - 16:05
Minutes of the previous annual general meeting
16:05 - 16:15
Matters arising from those minutes
16:15 - 16:25
Presidents Report
16:25 - 16:30
Treasurers Report
16:30 - 16:35
NZIDI Report
16:35 - 16:40
Election of Officials
16:40 - 16:45
Appointment of Accountant
16:45 - 16:50
Setting of membership fees


AGM 2022 Minutes and Notes.pdfdownload
NZIDE AGM Agenda 25th August 23.pdfdownload
NZIDE Nomination Award Forms 2023.pdfdownload
NZIDE Nomination-Proxy Forms 2023.pdfdownload
Incoming Executive Committee 2023-24 Profiles UPDATED 22082023.pdfdownload
Memo Template_AGM-Elections-2023.pdfdownload


Free Admittance
Standard Price Complimentary


Grand Chancellor James Cook Hotel Wellington

The Terrace 147
Wellington, New Zealand

If you have any questions please contact Gemma Scott-Hall

Contact Organizer

Show on map